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PERSONAL UMBRELLA                             INSURANCE

A major liability lawsuit probably isn’t something you think about every day. But what would happen if you were faced with such a lawsuit? Have you considered how you would handle it, and how you would pay for it? Jury awards, out-of-court settlements and the cost of legal fees can run into the millions these days. Without adequate protection, you could lose everything — your car, home, personal property and even future income!

At Alfa® , we know the thought of a major lawsuit is scary, but we want to take away some of your fears by providing you with a personal umbrella policy to give you more coverage. Our policies can buy you excess liability coverage to protect your property from high jury awards and, at the same time, extend your protection to areas omitted from the usual liability insurance policy.

Personal umbrella liability insurance is designed to protect you against a catastrophic lawsuit or judgment. It provides expanded coverage and increases the amount of your liability protection beyond the basic coverage provided under your homeowners/renters and auto insurance policies.

Unlike other types of liability coverage, personal umbrella liability insurance can be purchased as a separate policy. However, we require that you have underlying basic liability coverage (homeowners/renters insurance, auto insurance, or both) before you can purchase an umbrella liability policy.


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